Pooja Keshanagari

Senior Consultant

Pooja is a Data Engineer within our Insights and Analytics team and a passionate advocate for best practice in data. Bringing diverse expertise spanning a wide range of industries, Pooja leverages her practical programming skills and proficiency in Microsoft Azure technologies to consistently deliver immersive and insightful results. Her unwavering commitment to excellence sees her consolidating data, implementing data engineering practices, and developing impactful business intelligence reports to optimise workflow efficiency for our customers.

Pooja’s life passion extends to the realms of cooking and lifelong learning, experimenting with new recipes and flavours. She embraces the opportunity to learn new things, skills which benefit our customers and enrich her personal growth. Whether it’s delving into a new subject, mastering a new skill, or exploring unusual interests, Pooja brings her curiosity and enthusiasm to the fore on every project.

Related Resources

May 14, 2024
How I Experienced the Ultimate Work-Life Balance with a Working Holiday in India
By Pooja Keshanagari With the traditional 9-5 office routine rapidly shifting, finding a balance between professional obligations and personal fulfilment can feel like a distant dream. My dream was this: a working holiday in India, reconnecting with family while excelling in my career. Sound too good to be true? Turns out, it was completely possible!…
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