Driving continuous improvement through online data capture with MS SharePoint and Power Apps

Queensland State Department

To design and implement an online data capture portal for monthly reporting.


  • Design and develop a data capture portal using MS SharePoint and Power Apps
  • Provide a single source of truth for all state government funded projects
  • Provides a single source of truth for all state government funded projects, with the ability to store and manage project data, track project progress, and report on key metrics

    The Solution

    The portal allows for the submission of monthly reports by project managers, with automated workflows in place to ensure that the reports are reviewed and approved in a timely manner. It includes interactive dashboards and reports, providing real-time visibility into the progress of all state government funded projects. The dashboards have been designed to highlight project status, key performance indicators, and areas that may require attention, providing valuable insights into project performance.

    The portal also includes automated notifications and reminders, ensuring project managers are aware of key reporting deadlines and the necessary information is submitted on time. This helps to ensure the timely delivery of accurate and up-to-date information to the Portfolio Office.

    In addition to the data capture portal, we provided ongoing managed support services to the Portfolio Office. This included regular software updates, troubleshooting / technical support, and training and development services to ensure that the portal continues to meet the evolving needs of the department.

    Services Provided

    Digital & App Innovation


    • The implementation of the data capture portal has provided the Portfolio Office with the necessary tools and information to effectively manage and report on all state government funded projects.
    • Increased efficiency and transparency, while providing valuable insights into project performance
    • Enabled the department to make informed decisions and drive continued improvement