Application development and automation delivers 50% reduction in FTE headcount and 99.99% data accuracy
Queensland Government Agency
- Deliver efficiency through automation of administrative tasks.
- Improve data integrity and accuracy through connectivity to live data.
- Removing subjectivity of decision-making through established rules and parameters.
The Solution
We created a Microsoft Word Add-in that provided real-time access to the source data and the ability to automatically generate Word documents based on pre-defined templates. The integration of the data enabled immediate validation of the outputs and the automated templating meant that all of the business rules could be applied to determine which sentences and paragraphs were included in the Document.
By building a digital business application that integrated their existing data sources in real-time and working natively within Microsoft Word, we could automate the entire process.
The technical solution was deployed into the customers Amazon cloud environment, integrated with Microsoft 365 for authentication and permissions, and connected to their on-premise data sources.
By taking the existing process and digitising it, we removed the subjectivity out of decision making and applied expert level thinking repetitively to achieve 99.99% accuracy.
Services Provided
- The organisation saw a reduction in the number of FTE’s required by 50%
- The project reduced a process which took an individual 17 minutes down to 3 minutes
- 9% data accuracy was achieved as a result of process automations
The ripple effect of the solution was far reaching, providing Senior Executives with more time in their day through increased confidence in accuracy of reports and removing the need to validate content.
This resulted in shorter production timeframes, reduced the customer response time across the organisation, enabled faster funding decisions to benefit communities affected by disaster. It also improved reputational aspects for the agency through resource, cost and time efficiencies, now magnifying benefits across the entire business following an extended rollout.